Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Inspire 1 v2.0 - Maiden Flight

This is a relatively boring video of the maiden flight of my Inspire. Worth noting is I couldn't get a video feed. Because I was only testing mechanical functionality and doing line-of-sight flying, I decided to continue with the testing sans video feed.

I have to say that the Inspire flew beautifully. The gain curves were a little crisp for film industry filming, so I'm going to employ the exponential curve option on the right joystick. I pulled yaw back to 70%, but left throttle @ 100%.

I've been flying multirotors for a couple years. And honestly, until this new Inspire purchase, all my drones have been Phantom 1's (albeit, highly custom Phantom 1's). As well as my trusty Phantoms fly, the video I capture is still not perfect or up to 4K resolutions (2.7K is my present max). Plus my photos - though shot through a very good, rectilinear lens - have been only 8 megapixel. I look forward to flawless 4K video and super 12 MP images!

For a variety of quality Camera Drones,

click the link:

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