Saturday, December 3, 2016

Hover Camera | Auto Follow Drone Sample Footage

Here are a few shots from my first shoot with the Hover Camera Passport drone. I will post a full review of the camera later, so for now I will leave out my commentary and just post some technical production notes:

The entire video was edited in 1080. 3 of the 4 shots were filmed in 4k. All 4 shots were color corrected and stabilized in Adobe Premiere.

The first shot was filmed in "hover" mode in 4k.

The second and third shots were both filmed in 4k using the "auto follow" mode.

The last shot was filmed in 1080. I shot this in lower res for two reasons. First, I wanted to review the shot out in the field. You can only transfer 1080 or lower res videos to your phone and I wanted to make sure the thing was at least following me. Second, I wanted to see how well the in-camera stabilization worked. My verdict there is not so great - I still needed to stabilize it in post. I will always film in 4k and stabilize myself for this reason.

Ok, let me know if you have any questions and stay tuned for my full review



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